Constitution & Bylaws of the Cen-Tex Bass Hunters 


We, the members of the Cen-Tex Bass Hunters Bass Club, in order to promote good sportsmanship through fishing, establish this constitution and bylaws for the association hereinafter referred to as the Cen-Tex Bass Hunters.


SECTION 1. The Motto Of The Cen-Tex Bass Hunters Shall Be "Conservation, Fellowship And The Development Of Youth Thru Fishing".


SECTION 1. The bylaws and provisions of this constitution shall be observed and no changes shall be made except as through constitutional procedures as specified herein.

Any decisions or interpretations will be up to the board of directors with the overall objective of doing what is in the best interest of the club and what is fair for all club members.


SECTION 1. The officers of the Cen-Tex Bass Hunters shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Director, Youth Director, and Conservation Director.

SECTION 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and shall be assisted by the other officers. Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedure shall be observed at all times to cover procedures not specified in the constitution.

SECTION 3. Should the President be unable to attend a meeting, the Vice President shall preside in his absence. In case an officer or director resigns the position or leaves the club permanently, the President shall call a special election to fill the un-expired term. Any absence of an elected official for more than two (2) months shall be considered a permanent change and the office must be relinquished. Should he return, he may be eligible to run for office at the next election.

SECTION 4. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the general affairs of the club and as specifically directed within this constitution. Their decisions shall be binding and final except that they shall not abridge the right to petition. The board of directors must approve all expenditures of the club’s funds.

SECTION 5. Elections will be held in September, new board members take office in October.

SECTION 6. All elected officials will be voted on each year except the treasurer.

SECTION 7. No member shall be eligible to be nominated for an office or director position unless they have been in good standings for at least eight (8) months and all dues are current. The President position “should” be someone with 5 years or more as an active member.

SECTION 8. The president of the club may appoint members as necessary to properly accomplish the functions of the club.


SECTION 1. All “Prospective” members must attend the club meeting the Monday prior to the club tournament. Prospective members shall be on probation for a period of two meetings and two tournaments. After the probationary period has been completed the prospective member shall be voted on and approved by 100% of membership in attendance at the next scheduled club meeting (3rd Monthly Meeting). A prospective member can be voted on even if they are not present to keep from delaying point eligibility. The length of probation period is up to the prospective member on how fast they complete the probationary period.

SECTION 2. Tournament points for prospective members will not be counted on the Standings List until after they become members.

SECTION 3. Memberships

1.All annual memberships will expire on the last day of September.

2.New members’ dues will be expected to be paid no later than the month following being voted into the club. Membership dues will be prorated until the month of July. In the event a prospective member joins in July, his/her club dues will be waived for the remainder of the year. However, as per BASS Nation rules, the BASS Nation portion must still be paid.

SECTION 4. Honorary memberships will be granted only by the board of directors.


SECTION 1. Regular meetings shall normally, be held on the first Monday of each month. The President may call special meetings or a Board of Directors meeting.

SECTION 2. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, a raffle for prizes may be held at each regular meeting. The number and value of prizes shall be left to the discretion of the board. All money received shall be added to the club treasury.


SECTION 1. The Board of Directors shall establish annual dues for regular members.

SECTION 2. Annual dues will be paid at the September meeting and no later than the October meeting.

SECTION 3. Any member whose annual dues are not paid by the October meeting will not receive Tournament/Conservation points until such time the member is paid in full. Points “WILL NOT” be retroactive!


SECTION 1. Rules for the tournaments will be based on "Club Policies and Procedures”. These "Club Policies and Procedures" will be set by the Board of Directors and approved by a 2/3 majority of members present at a regularly scheduled club meeting.
Section 2. Additional tournaments may be held during the year. The board of directors shall handle dates, times and details of additional tournaments.


SECTION 1. Proposed amendments to this constitution must be voted upon by the membership at the regular monthly meeting. The amendment must receive at least 2/3 of votes of those present for two consecutive meetings to be adopted and must be published in the newsletter prior to the second meeting. Upon adoption, amendments become effective immediately but in no case may they be considered retroactive. Proposed amendments may be presented to the membership from the floor as a motion or from the board of directors. Discussion and debate shall be limited to twenty minutes.


SECTION 1. Should a member, including officers/directors, cause embarrassment or undue criticism to the club, or anything to offend this constitution, they may be cited to show cause before the board of directors. The directors are to see that appropriate action, if any, is to be taken. In extreme cases, as decided by the board of directors, it shall be discussed in an open meeting of the club, and if it is the desire of at least 2/3 of the membership present, offender may be expelled from the club. Expulsion will be considered permanent until such member petitions to the board of directors for reinstatement and receives a unanimous vote from the entire club membership.

SECTION 2. If any member, including officers/directors miss four (4) consecutive meetings they will be placed on inactive status. In order to regain active status, the member must attend two (2) consecutive meetings. During this time, points will not be awarded during tournaments until the member regains active status. Points will not be retroactive.

SECTION 3. During all club functions, all persons (including guests) are to conduct themselves in a courteous and sportsman-like manner.


SECTION 1. All members of Cen-Tex Bass Hunters must maintain a current membership in B.A.S.S. this shall be 100% at all times.

SECTION 2. All boat captains must maintain insurance on their boat which is mandated by B.A.S.S Nation which is $300k limited liability.

SECTION 3. The Treasurer shall submit all appropriate paperwork to B.A.S.S. and Texas B.A.S.S. Nation as required.

SECTION 4. Cen-Tex Bass Hunters shall be affiliated to Texas B.A.S.S. Nation and actively support, in order to able to participate in their programs.

REVISED 03/83, REVISED 01/84, REVISED 07/24/89, REVISED 02/05/90 REVISED 08/02/04, REVISED 01/10/07, REVISED 12/30/16,REVISED 11/2017, REVISED 10/2019
